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1.  ConfigurationSection
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This section contains the most basic configuration settings.

Setting Description Default Example
Directory “Active Directory” or “Novell eDir”. Active Directory Active Directory
Server LDAP server without  LDAP/ prefix.
Secure Connection
Secure connection between Sitecore and LDAP server. Yes   Yes
Username LDAP username.   DomainReader
LDAP password.   12345
SizeLimit Maximum number of  objects in search results. 1000 1000
Mode “Live”,  “Mixed” or  “Replication”. Live Mixed
Send Mail
If this checkbox is set, a User will be notified when added to the Sitecore security domain. No Yes
UserLocation Specifies the Sitecore folder where Users taken from the Active Directory will be placed.
Users will be placed in the /sitecore/Users/<UserLocation> folder.
/Directory Users /Directory Users
GroupLocation Specifies the Sitecore folder where Roles taken from the Active Directory will be placed.
Roles will be placed in the /sitecore/Users/<UserLocation> folder.
/Directory Groups /Directory Groups
Find Users
If this checkbox is checked, then a radio button will be checked for Users in Replication or Mixed modes in the LDAP configuration application. No Yes
Sort by Accountname
If this checkbox is checked, the Accountname radio button will be checked in the LDAP configuration application. Yes Yes
Add groupmembers
If this checkbox is checked, then the appropriate “Add groupmembers” checkbox in the LDAP configuration application will be checked as well. Yes Yes
Novell entry “adsPath” allows Novell eDir Users to login with a User without organization  (cn=user instead of cn=user, o=organization). adsPath  

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